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Diane's Giant To-Do List

  • Weekly schedule for Sept. 10-14
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8am research x x
9am research researchx x x
10am research research x x
11am research research x x
12 pm Director'sMtg IAT102prep research research x x
1pm Feral Meeting IAT102prep research research x x
2pm Feral Meeting IAT 102 research research x x
3pm BarneSong IAT 102 research research x x
4pm IAT 102 research research x x
5pm IAT 102 research research x x
6pm research research x x
7pm research research x x
8pm research research x x
9pm research research x x
10pm research research x x

  • Weekly schedule for Sept. 17-21
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8am research x x
9am research researchx x x
10am research research x x
11am research research x x
12 pm Director'sMtg IAT102prep research research x x
1pm Feral Meeting IAT102prep research research x x
2pm Feral Meeting IAT 102 research research x x
3pm BarneSong IAT 102 research research x x
4pm IAT 102 research research x x
5pm IAT 102 research research x x
6pm research research x x
7pm research research x x
8pm research research x x
9pm research research x x
10pm research research x x

Meta Themes:

Teaching (Speculative Design and Bio) , Biomedia, Interspecies Design Inspiration, Natural Reality

1. Finish dissertation writing

1a. Dissertation website

1b. Dissertation CDROM

2. Project with Yacov and Margaret (infoviz, gesture?)

3. Meatbook

3a. Meatbook Exhibit

3b. Meatbook Theory

4. Biomorphic Typography (redo)

4a. Mariam?

4b. Robert Bringhurst

4c. Find Student

4d. Princeton Book

4e. Comm. Comm. Book

5. Dervish Video Redo

6. Proprioception - Unexplainable/Unexplicable awareness and boundaries

7. Grasp (minority report) - Gesture = anthropology x disability (limits) x exercise (mobility improvement)

8. Imperfect Bodies

9. Pain - Leonardo Issue

10. Medical Visualization - Cross cultural history of medicine

11. Meditation Chamber (with Niranjan)

12. Bioterrorism Game

13. Just Atonable Difference

Research: The MeatBook

1. create SFU contract between DGr & JC

2. collect prior MeatBook work


a) will be found on BOTH the large computer AND laptop;

b) other people's writing (start: Intelligent Agent, writing by Eugene Thacker, etc.)

please condense to one place (large computer)

create and place all of it in a folder titled MEATBOOK06

3. literature review

search for prior art related to meat.

Be sure to find:Jana Sterbak (Canadian), the (Italian?) guy who created a parquet floor comprised of cold cuts (in artbook that is inside inflated plastic pillow). plus Centre Pompidou (food exhibit?) guy had a steak on the wall that fell down the wall day by day

and visceral-provoking art (historical stuff by Francis Bacon, painter)

ALso be sure to find TALKS that include the video and include them in the archive.

[concept 1: "the abject" Julia Kristeva, threatening mortality, disturbs your body image; Gromala wants sustained visceral interaction] [concept 2: historically, art has been about representation not the thing itself; meatbook befuddles that notion, primary issue for interactive art; Tissue Culture work should ellicit a visceral response, but usually it doesn't or it is abject; familiarity let's users touch it] [concept 3: animism ]

WIRELESS: dropping on pedestal; people passing it around (JC)

factor: rotting conceptual,

4. place all the prior art, including images and text files (be sure to include citation info) in the MEATBOOK folder, in a subfolder titled PRIOR ART

PRIOR ART updated by Jinsil

5. for talk in Stockholm, reshoot prototype (video)

6. edit, debug, make sure it runs on Gromala's laptop

7. create an archive of all info; put on a CDROM entitled MEATBOOK 2006 ARCHIVE

test CD to make sure it will run on other computers

copy the CD

8. Here, let's discuss the conceptual issues.

(insert here)

phenomenology (Merleau-Ponty), Bataille (the wound; tears of eros); "visceral" (i.e., 2cd brain); pre-conscious reaction "reading" of quivvering meat

paradox of meat and text

teleological argument about text: it led to the dimunition of the senses since people no longer sit around a campfire in real-time, as a community (though I wonder how many communities didn't just resort to eating each other or raiding).

Thus, we are not nec. present in real-time; cannot see, smell, kinesthetically relate to gestures, share food. So senses are condensed to the visual (and sublingual, according to some who think that when we read we kind of move our tongue as if silently reading).

Humanistic argument (that I also challenged with the biomorphic typography).

paradox 2 is meat is dead but it quivers (animisim)

challenging the notion of representation we are not representing, the meatbook IS the thing, not a representation of something else (as text is)

9. Technical issues:

decay, stink, legal preventatives, role of dead animal/carnivore/commodified predatorial behavior


technical; degrading times (rubber, silicone, fingernail polish) poking thru, old people skin on bone during humid degrading

--- Research: Interactive Typography

Relevant/Prior Art